Creative Loops: Systematizing our workflow

Creative Loops: Systematizing our workflow

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Creative Loops: Systematizing our workflow

Another month has come and gone - and so has our Meetup. As always, the last Thursday of the month gave us the opportunity to exchange ideas with interesting guests. This time Emanuel gave a talk on 'Creative Loops' and our way of working. Emanuel went into the underlying theoretical approaches and presented the key steps in the process. Watch the video for more details.

What is HDNA?

HDNA is the name of the way we work. 'HD' because that's how we like to abbreviate our company, and 'DNA' because we believe we've created the basic building blocks for successful product development.

HDNA is the systematic way we design digital products - from identifying initial opportunities through to validated product innovation. HDNA includes a sequence of activities that build on each other and cover the full spectrum of product development. In this way, all phases can be run through in a structured way and product ideas can be systematically developed into marketable solutions. Our working method is designed to be easy to learn and to be continued independently within the company.

Once again a big thank you to Emanuel for the fantastic presentation and to everyone who attended and made the evening so great.